Breathing & Meditation

If like me stressing out is something you're good at you can relate to the tunnel vision you fall into, you'll become less aware of the small things getting all wrapped up in whatever problem is causing you stress.

When life gets you thinking "Oh, for heavens hake!"

Well it's crucial to slow down and widen you're mind, become aware of the world around you and take a moment to appriciate the little things in life - a bird flying by, the sky on a perfect cloudless day or even the bloom of a flower amongst the grass.

"That’s the thing about squids…they ink too much."

A lotus flower on a pond with lillypads.
A monk holding his hands together on his robes.

Meditation & Breathing Exercises

I learnt a lot of these breathing techniques during a meditation course I attended at the Kagyu Samye Dzong London Tibetan Buddhist Centre I found the course to be a breath of fresh air and highly recomend checking out there programs.

Even just 10 minutes of meditation a day can have a profound effect on your mental clarity!

"Paci-fish-ts don’t believe in the notion of man o’ war."

Box Breathing Inhale Hold Exhale Hold
This exercise is helpful for alivating
hyperventilation in panic attack
5 seconds 5 seconds 5 seconds 5 seconds Repeat

Medative Breathing Inhale Hold Exhale Hold
This exercise helps to slow your heart rate. The deep inhales and exhales
help eliminate carbon dioxide from the body, maximising oxygen intake.
10 seconds 2 seconds (optional) 10 seconds 2 seconds (optional) Repeat

Counting Meditation Don't focus on timing your breath just breathe deep and slow!
The main focus of meditation is too clear ones mind of thoughts, to quite that pesky internal monolog and to just be still in the moment. The aim is to not let your brain train take over or get distracted, it's okay if you can't at first just take a deep breath and start again. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

visualisations Meditation Inhale Hold Exhale Hold
As you inhale picture that you are inhaling pure white smoke: clean, positive intentions
As you exhale picture that you are releasing black smoke: letting go of negativity
5 seconds 2 seconds (optional) 5 seconds 2 seconds (optional)

More breathing exercises can be found here! Rainymood - a wonderful website, with soundtrack to meditate too

30 Min. Mediation Music for Positive Energy

Perch-ance, did you find that reliving?